quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

The Shape of the Land
The Story of Naomi Uemura
The soundtrack is composed and performed by Philip Aaberg
with additional compositions and performances by William
"The film Naomi Uemura, tells the story of an adventurer,
an explorer from Japan acknowledged by the world community
for his remarkable achievemenrts. Naomi dedicated his life to
exploring the most challenging areas of the earth. He made
solo ascents of the highest, more difficult mountains on each
continent. He was the first Japanese to sucessfully climb
Mount Everest. Alone, he rafted the length of Amazon River.
Pushing the limits of endurance, bravery and resourcefulness
to unimaginable limits, Naomi made a solitary exploration to
North Pole. In 1984 on descent from Mount McKinley, and alone
once again, he disappeared into the icy mist of a winter storm.
His memory and this film are a testament to the courage of
rhe human spirit." In the playlist you will listen all the 11 tracks
from the magnific soundtrack.

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