Vladimír Hirsch is a Czech avantgarde composer, instrumentalist and sound experimenter, working with modern classical, industrial and dark ambient music. His compositional style is characterized by the usage of digital techniques to create an integrated musical conception where polymodal classical elements fuse within a dark experimental soundscape. Besides creating solo works, he is the founding member and leader of projects Skrol, Aghiatrias, Zygote (CZ), Luminar Ax and Tiria. He was a member (keyboard player and vocalist) of experimental post-punk group Der Marabu (1986-95). In his solo works, he also sometimes cooperates with occasional association of instrumentalists Czech Integrated Ensemble and vocalistsMartina Sanollová, Dove Hermosa, Nadya Feir et al.
Biography :
Vladimír Hirsch has been composing since he was a teenager, when, as a pianist and organ player, he started to write romantic and classicist pieces with elements of experimental rock . However, he abandoned these compositions for some time and delved into experimental jazz and rock music up to 1986, when he joined experimental post-punk band Der Marabu. Simultaneously, he decided to focus on classical musical form as well, nevertheless with an attempt to enhance the action potential by modern means of expression and by searching for specific processes. He attempts to resume the tradition of 20th century Czech and all Slavic music , but eventually attains his own clear-cut position both in tone creative principles as in composition style and opinion on orchestration and the role of not quite musical components in it. Typical for him are new sonic properties of classical instrumentation, created by force of digital technique, as an orginal form of electroacoustic and acousmatic attitude. Vladimír Hirsch’s music is a kind of extrapolation of the combination of contemporary classical music on the one side and dark ambient, industrial and noise components on the other side, which, through mutual infiltration by basic theses and antitheses, brought to life as a fully homogenous structure. Compositions are based on grasping both ways in a manner, which would allow them to partake of each other’s principal formal attributes, both on the basis of violent confrontation and of mutual empathy, which should lead to a unification of seemingly irreconcilable worlds. This happens with the help of musical symbolism of their transsubstantiation into a single, indivisible essence, which act represents the metaphorical and philosopical principle of Hirsch’s integrated music.
Vladimír Hirsch´s original profession is the doctor of medicine. Source: last.fm
Watch and listen the videos:
Catharsis, Under the Ground, _confiteor_, Agony of Faith, Third Eye, EcceCrux, Arrive Des Morts, Dark Placenta, Agios, Iscariot,Essentia Quinta,Contemplatio Per Negationem,Eísodos Casual Calm (full album), Cave Canem, Lamiadae,Trigonal Sonata, Chiasmas, Kyrios (live), Wroclaw, In Hoc Signo, Apotheose, Amorpheia, Missa Armata, Ritual of Betrayal and
Top Tracks (76 videos).
Catharsis, Under the Ground, _confiteor_, Agony of Faith, Third Eye, EcceCrux, Arrive Des Morts, Dark Placenta, Agios, Iscariot,Essentia Quinta,Contemplatio Per Negationem,Eísodos Casual Calm (full album), Cave Canem, Lamiadae,Trigonal Sonata, Chiasmas, Kyrios (live), Wroclaw, In Hoc Signo, Apotheose, Amorpheia, Missa Armata, Ritual of Betrayal and
Top Tracks (76 videos).
Vladimir Hirsch is the MASTER
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